How to Export a CSV of a Graphly Report

This article will cover the process of exporting a CSV file containing the data within a report. Please be aware that currently there is a 75,000 row limit to the export.

process of exporting a csv in a gif

Step 1: Generate the CSV Export

To begin, hover over a report and click the “Export to CSV” button.

hover over the csv icon in the top left of the report

Step 2: Wait Patiently

A message will appear in the bottom right, indicating that the CSV generation process has begun. While the CSV is being generated, there will be a spinning green icon in the corner of the report that replaces the Export to CSV button. This process can take several minutes, depending on the amount of data being exported.

notification of export being generated
icon showing the export is being generated

Step 3: Download that Bad Boy

Once the generation is complete, you will get a message that says your export is ready to be downloaded, and there will be a new ‘Download’ button on the report.

notification that export is ready to download
icon showing that notification is ready to be downloaded

Once you click the download button. The CSV will begin to download to your Downloads folder.

notification that export has finished downloading

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