How to Configure the FYF – Inbound Talk Time Goal Report

This template allows you to set a goal for minutes of inbound talk time, and see your progress towards it.

Setting Up the FYF – Inbound Talk Time Goal Report

From the chart tab, you’ll see this report is a solid gauge.

From the chart tab, you'll see this report is a solid gauge to show your inbound talk time goal.

Now let’s head to the “Options” tab. First, you can select your date range.

Now let's head to the "Options" tab. First, you can select your date range to choose your Inbound Talk time from.

Next, you will need to input your goal.

Next, we'll input our goal.

Most users choose to leave the percentages of the progress colors untouched, but you can customize them if so desired.

Most users choose to leave the percentages of the progress colors untouched, but you can customize them if so desired.

For ultimate control and customization, check out the “Criteria Builder“. This way you can filter data by any field on the contact record.

For ultimate control and customization, check out the "Criteria Builder". This way you can filter data by any field on the contact record.

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